Filip Gabriel - Operation Castle


Filip Gabriel Pudło (PL)
video, 2013, 4:20

Linguistic summary of Operation Castle – cinematographic documentation of nuclear tests in America, 1954. An attempt at analysis and description of a moving picture with available machine methods. The submitted template for linguistic summary has been based on video mining algorithms which analyse the picture at technical level. In the future, full analysis of moving pictures – both on technical and symbolic, more abstract level – will be realizable. The hermeneutic characteristics of the video matter has been sustained. Operation Castle is a study of political and technological development and of peripheral perception.

Filip Gabriel Pudło (PL), graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology and Łódź Film School. Creates video-art works and programmable installation art. Selected presentations: European Media Art Festival (EMAF) in Osnabruceck, Germany; FILE (Electronic Language International Festival) in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Labour in a single shot; Museum of Art in Łódź; ShowOFF Krakow Photomonth Festival; Łódź Fotofestiwal; University of Virginia (U.S.) and Kyoto Seika University (Japan). International festivals of video-art: Videoholica (Bulgaria), Miden (Greece), Fonlad (Portugal), Espacio de las Artes (Spain), AIVA (Sweden), Now&After in Museum of Modern Art in Moscow. Also presented Wojciech Bruszewski’s creative activity during a visit in University of Virginia in U.S. Juror at Now&After’14 International Video Art Festival in Moscow.  He lives and works in Warsaw.