Justyna Misiuk (PL), born 1989 in Przemysl. Graduated from the Department of Intermedia, University of Arts in Poznan (2013), currently a student of Direction at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz’s Theatre Academy in Warsaw. She also studied on Universitatea de arta si design w Cluj-Napoca in Romania (2012). Her works oscillate between the relation of human and nature, rituals and beliefs, habits, wildness and freedom. She is interested in states and factors that are rooted deep in a person, but displaced by culture. Her works were shown, among others, in: Kunsthal Aarhus (“On the Silver Globe”, Denmark, 2014), Soimii Patriei Gallery in Cluj–Napoca (“I want to be a mirror for you”, Romania, 2012), WRO Art Center (“AC/DC/IT”, Wrocław, 2012), Kordegarda Gallery in Warsaw (“AAAkupunktura”, 2012), Aula Gallery in Brno (“Video on Demand”, Czech Republic, 2011), Kabelvåg Gallery (“I like it loud”, Norway, 2010), BWA Gallery in Zielona Góra (“Archeologia teraźniejszości”, 2009), and during the 2011 and 2013 WRO Media Art Biennale, the theater festival in Sibiu (Romania, 2012), the Video Art Festival Punkty Widzenia (Lodz, 2011 and 2012) or Video Art Festival Miden in Kalamata (Greece, 2010). Grant-holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2012).