Screenings, VIDEOBRASIL. Future Perfect: The Time Out of Joint
curated by Thereza Farkas
Letícia Ramos and Luiz Roque in Videobrasil collection
14.05, 2 PM
Letícia Ramos (BR), Vostok, 2014, video, 35mm, 7:00
Letícia Ramos (BR), ERBF – Instantâneo Sequencial 1 e 3, 2008, video, 35mm, 2:30
Letícia Ramos (BR), Jardim fantástico, 2014, 35mm/HD, 3:00
Letícia Ramos (BR) + Luiz Roque (BR), Estufa, 2004, video, 35mm, 3:00
Luiz Roque (BR), Geometria Descritiva, 2012, video installation
Luiz Roque (BR), O Novo Monumento, 2012, film 16mm transferred to video, 5:35
Luiz Roque (BR), O Triunfo, 2011, video, 3:15
Luiz Roque (BR), Ano Branco, 2013, video, 7:00, co-produced by the 9th Mercosul Biennial (Porto Alegre)