Niedzielny Poranek Filmowy_Singapur (22)

Sunday Matinée for the end of Biennale WRO 2015

Sunday, Oct 4, 12.30 PM

A princess, milk and an umbrella – animations from Singapore

The forthcoming Sunday will be very special, because there’ll be a very special Sunday Matinée at WRO. Along the end of the WRO Résumé exhibition, after 92 days of presentation, the WRO Biennale 2015 will come to an end.

The Sunday Matinée audience will have an opportunity to see a rich set of animations created by students from the Nanyang Technological University’s School Of Art, Design And Media in Singapore, and selected by one of the Biennale guests, Hannes Rall, whose films, “Cold Heart” and “Si Lunchai”, were presented in the Little WRO program. “Cold Heart” is a romantic, fairy-tale story set in the Black Forest in Germany, while “Si Lunchai” is an extraordinary animation inspired by the Southeast Asian shadow puppet play.

Hannes Rall is an illustrator and independent animation director. He works as an associate professor at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His works have been shown at exhibitions and screenings in more than 20 countries and over 100 film-festivals worldwide.

The program features a wide variety of animation techniques and themes – from painting realizations inspired by the masters of the brush, through cartoon stories on the need of friendship and fun, to films that have only limits of imagination. Does imagination have limits anyway?

After the screening, like always, we’ll play together at a workshop inspired by the films.

Besides, the youngest viewers and their parents can still enjoy the WARM-UP and EXTRA TIME, thematic paths which are part of the educational program of Little WRO.


1. MILK by Elizabeth Liu, 4:02

2. PLAY WITH ME! by Celestine Chia Wen, 4:21

3. FLY WITH ME! by Joelle Tyea Enver, 2:28

4. PRINCESS by Andre Quek, Abdul Hadi, Vivien Tan, 7:07

5. ROUTE 52 by Jacinth Tan Yi Ting, Tok Xue Yi, 5:55

6. MIMO by Chang Pei Yee, Oon Qian Yi Shannon, 1:43

7. 1997 by Goh Wei Choon, Jiahui Wee, 7:32

8. UMBRELLA by Chua Wei, Lun Brandon, 5:28