Ryszard W. Kluszczyński. art@science vis-à-vis citizen science: Knowledge Production in the Wiki World
Citizen science, a phenomenon otherwise known as crowd science or networked science, is a term used to denote different forms of scientific research carried out by non-professionals. They are all recognized as a form of practicing science, which is typical of the contemporary participative culture, a form that emerges from the development and popularization of new media technologies. By setting art@science in the context of the citizen science phenomenon, I intend to highlight and characterize both the properties which bring the art in dialogue with science closer to social participative science, and emphasize the specific traits of the artistic interactions with science.
Ryszard W. Kluszczyński (PL), PhD, media art scholar, writer and curator.
Chair of School of Media and Audiovisual Culture, University of Lodz, Poland. Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. He writes about new media arts, cyberculture, theory of media and communication, information and network society, experimental cinema and video art. He critically investigates the issues of contemporary art theory, avant-garde, and recent art practices [the list of the publications on his website].
Some of his book publications (in Polish): Interactive Art. From Artwork-Instrument to Interactive Spectacle, 2010; Information Society. Cyberculture. Multimedia Arts, 2001 (Second Edition 2002); Film – Video – Multimedia. Art of the Moving Picture in the Era of Electronics, 1999 (Second Edition 2002); Images at Large. Study on the History of Media Art in Poland, 1998; Avant-Garde. Theoretical Study, 1997; Film – Art of the Great Avant-Garde, 1990. He is the editor of Towards the Third Culture. The Co-Existence of Art, Science and Technology (Gdansk 2011), Crude Life. The Tissue Culture & Art Project: Oron Catts + Ionat Zurr (Gdańsk 2012), Wonderful Life: Laurent Mignonneau + Christa Sommerer (Gdańsk 2014), Robotic Art and Culture. Bill Vorn and His Hysterical Machines (Gdańsk, 2014), Meat, Metal & Code / Contestable Chimeras: Stelarc (Gdańsk 2014), Ken Feingold: Figures of Speech (Gdańsk 2014).
In the years 1990-2001 Kluszczyński was a Chief Curator of Film, Video and Multimedia Arts in the Centre for Contemporary Art – Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw. He curated numerous international art exhibitions and festivals. In 2010 co-curated with Tsutomu Mizusawa Beyond Mediations, the main exhibition of The Second International Biennale of Contemporary Art in Poznan, Poland. Since 2011 he has been the Artistic Director of Art & Science Meeting Project in the Centre for Contemporary Art in Gdansk and curator of the exhibition of Ken Feingold, Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, Stelarc, Tissue Culture & Art Project, Victoria Vesna and James Gimzewski, Bill Vorn. Co-curator (with Anna Bitkina and Sinziana Ravini) the traveling exhibition United States of Europe (2011-2013).