Searching for: Paweł Janicki

Cultivated Cultures: WRO 2015 exhibition in Lviv

Cultivated Cultures: WRO 2015 exhibition in Lviv

Thursday September 24th, 2015

Lviv’s State Museum of Natural History

October 1st – November 13th, 2015

Artists: Natalia Balska, Michał Brzeziński, Katrin Caspar & Eva-Lisa Puhakka, Jarosław Czarnecki aka Elvin Flamingo, Paweł Janicki & the WROcenter Group, Dobrosława Nowak

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WRO TV: Online Magazines

WRO TV: Online Magazines

Thursday June 18th, 2015

Short reportages realized by WRO and TVP Wrocław during the opening days: interviews with artists, participants and curators, documentation of the exhibitions, performances and events.

Enjoy watching!

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Children’s Day during Biennale WRO 2015: a network “Painting”

Children’s Day during Biennale WRO 2015: a network “Painting”

Tuesday May 26th, 2015

Monday, June 1st, 2015 / 12 – 18 PM

Biennale WRO (Wrocław)
Keleketla! Library (Johannesburg, RPA)

WRO Art Center, Widok 7 | entrance free

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